You deserve more in your marriage because God promises in his Word that he will
perform abundantly more in your life than you can ask or imagine.
You deserve more in your marriage because there is untapped potential within
your marriage that God wants to UNLEASH.
Marriage ROCKS promises to revolutionize your marital intimacy-spiritually, emotionally,
and physically through a five-step faith journey.
Marriage ROCKS offers all engaged and married couples the biblical and psychological tools
to capture God’s ultimate purpose for their marriage
- View the Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples video
- Order your own copy today of Dr. Arnold’s new book Marriage ROCKS for Christian
- Invite Dr. Arnold to your next marriage retreat or seminar to teach this interactive
- Start your own Marriage ROCKS couple’s group with the user-friendly Marriage ROCKS
for Christian Couples Leader’s Guide
- Download a free chapter of the book at
"If you are reading this book it is because you desire the best for your marriage.
You can rest assured that God desires the best for your marriage as well.... In fact,
God plans to use your marriage as a bridge to a more rewarding relationship with him and
with everyone within your sphere of influence."-Chapter 1 excerpt
"Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples is an extraordinary resource. If implemented
by couples and leaders, Arnold's biblically sound method and strategy for married couples
could revolutionize the way we approach ministry to couples and families. All Christian
couples who work through this book will be blessed tremendously by his meticulous biblical
reflections and insightful wisdom on married life, from sexuality to finances and parenting."
-Dr. Johnny B. Hill, Assistant Professor of Theology, Louisville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary, and author of Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Families
"Marriage ROCKS brings a much needed, relaxed, hopeful, encouraging, and transformative
teaching style addressing central issues impacting African Americans. Christian women
and men in dating, engaged, or marital relationships will find sensitive, open guidance
through the mystery of the concepts of partnership and covenant taking them into the joy
that God has in store for each of them, their marriages, and their communities."-Dr. Lorraine
Blackman, Associate Professor, Indiana University, School of Social work
"This wonderful book serves a need in the African American community for help in strengthening
and healing our marriages and relationships." - Nancy Boyd-Franklin, PhD, author of Black
Families in Therapy: Understanding the African-American Experience
"Harold L. Arnold Jr., PhD, has written a book for African American couples rooted thoroughly
in a faith orientation, and it draws on a biblical and theological tradition of gender
mutuality and equality that is embraced by many African American couples...I commend this
book because it delivers what it set out to deliver. It provides what it promises it will
from the outset, and those who use this book as a resource for marital enrichment will
never regret their choice." -Edward P. Wimberly, PhD, Jarena Lee Professor of Pastoral
Care and Counseling, Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, Interdenominational
Theological Center, Atlanta, Georgia
"Harold’s combination of boldness and passion makes this a stand-out read....Through interactive,
application-driven exercises at the end of each chapter, he effectively moves the ROCKS
principles from head knowledge to a life and relationship changing opportunity. Although
written for the African American community, its principles apply to all couples and individuals."
-Eric and Jennifer Garcia, cofounders of the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries
About the Author:
Dr. Harold L. Arnold Jr. holds a PhD in social and organizational psychology
from Temple University and a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from Fuller
Theological Seminary. He is president and founder of Discovering Family International,
an organization that promotes the virtues and values of family life. A sought after speaker
and workshop leader, Dr. Arnold is also creator of the Relationship ROCKS model™, a program
for building equity in personal relationships. A member of the American Association of
Christian Counselors and Black African-American Christian Counselors, Dr. Arnold serves
as adjunct faculty for a Christian University as well as a minister and counselor for
a large multi-cultural church in Philadelphia.
A sample chapter of Marriage ROCKS and other free relationship resources can be downloaded
For more information and scheduling contact:
Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr.
(215) 939-6866
[email protected]